Are you a student between the ages of 12 and 19 with a passion for filmmaking? Do you want to showcase your talent to a wider audience and receive recognition for your hard work? Look no further than the Golden Lion Awards Film festival!
The Golden Lion Awards is an annual event that provides a platform for young filmmakers to showcase their work and compete for awards in ten different categories, including Middle School, Alternative, Animation, Comedy, Long Documentary, Long Narrative, Music Video, Public Service Announcement, Short Documentary, and Short Narrative.
Now in its 14th year, the festival has become a staple in the midwest and is open to students within 500 miles of Cincinnati. The festival is designed to encourage and inspire young filmmakers, providing a space for creativity and growth, and an opportunity to receive recognition for their achievements. (Open to the 12 midwest states and states within 500 miles of Cincinnati)
Free submissions are open until June 2nd, so now is the perfect time to start working on your film and submit it to the Golden Lion Awards. The award ceremony and screening will take place in September, so be sure to mark your calendars and join us for a celebration of the next generation of filmmakers.
Whether you're an experienced filmmaker or just starting out, the Golden Lion Awards is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work and receive recognition and feedback from our panel of judges. So what are you waiting for? Grab your cameras, gather your team, and start working on your next masterpiece. We can't wait to see what you'll create!
June 2 – Submission Deadline (FREE)
June 9 – Late Submission Deadline ($25)
June 16 – Final Submission Deadline ($50)
